Thursday, June 9, 2011


After the concentrated knitting on the summer mystery shawlette and the scarf and hat, I decided to look in my knitting caddy and tackle all the unfinished objects (UFOs) lurking there.

I decided to tackle first the mitered squares project -- it was meant to be a blanket, but I decided it would be better just to do a pillow (2 squares) instead. There is also a second sock of a pair, a sweater I started years ago out of Vanna's Choice yarn in a pattern I got from the Lion Brand Yarn website, a shawl that I had started, and a Baktus scarf that I chose to do in laceweight yarn. These projects all were started in a burst of enthusiasm for one reason or another, and they all feature endless garter stitch (or stockinette stitch, in the case of the sweater) . . . so it is no mystery why the enthusiasm faded as I went along.

I am going to do these in the order in which I think I might be able to finish each the fastest -- so I can get some satisfaction out of Finished Objects as quickly as possible to trick myself into keeping at it. I've been working on the Mitered Square pillow this week, and I should finish the knitting tomorrow and block it. The sock will be next, then the shawl (because when I finish the garter stitch there is a lace edging that should keep my interest going). Finally, the Vanna's Choice sweater -- which is just a boxy thing ("deconstructed cardigan" I think the Lion Brand folks called it) of endless stockinette with little shaping, and which is in a yarn I'm not particularly fond of (though I like the color well enough) and is really something I just planned to use to wear around the house to keep warm in winter. I've been working on the Baktus a little at a time when I am tired, because it is as close to mindless knitting as you can get, but if it is not done by the time I finish the shawl, I will finish it before tackling the sweater. I really am trying to avoid that thing, for some reason.

Let's see how fast I can get these things DONE.

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