Tuesday, June 14, 2011


All quiet on the beach on Tuesday morning . . . the view from our balcony.
Night jump Saturday night by the 101st Airborne.
Team RV -- all 10 of them.
Sunday morning on the boardwalk.
The airshow crowd on the beach on Saturday afternoon . . . the view from our balcony.

We just had a wonderful 4 days in Ocean City, Maryland. We splurged and stayed on the oceanfront and boardwalk at the Quality Inn Boardwalk at 16th Street. This turned out to be right at the airshow for the weekend, so we were able to watch the whole show from our balcony on Sunday afternoon, and caught the end of the show on Saturday afternoon. The weather was beautiful all weekend, with just one shower late on Sunday afternoon. This brought in cooler weather for Monday and Tuesday.

I'd never seen an airshow before. I was very impressed with the F-18 Super Hornet -- very fast and loud -- and the AV-83 Harrier -- which could hover amazingly. Other military aircraft included an A-10 Warthog, a C-17, and a P-51. The civilian flyers included Team RV -- billed as the largest team, with 10 airplanes -- Mike Goulian, and the Red Bull Helicopter, all of which did acrobatic flying. It was fun to see the maneuvers that I had seen Matt do with his RC plane done by piloted, full-size airplanes -- I even recognized the hammerhead before they announced it! There were also jumps by the 101st Airborne and the U.S. Navy Seals Leap Frogs, and the Red Bull Air Force.

Lots of sun, sand, walking (on the boardwalk and beach), and seafood. I hated to leave this morning, but it is good to be home.

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