Thursday, August 15, 2013


There's no question that eating according to Dr. Fuhrman's "nutritarian" principles is not always easy. If the thought of going 100% vegan 100% of the time seems too daunting, Mark Bittman has devised a flexible plan that is not nearly as demanding to follow. He calls it VB6, and the title of the book tells it all: eat vegan before 6:00 [p.m.].

This slim book explains why he began eating this way and the considerations he took into account in creating this way of life for himself. He discusses the problems of both the Standard American Diet (SAD) and various weight-loss diets, as well as why this eating plan worked to help him lose weight and have better health. He gives lots of tips on how to make this eating plan work for you and your particular lifestyle, and nearly half of the book consists of recipes. And Mark Bittman's recipes are good! As usual, many of his recipes give several variations on the theme (which increases their usefulness), and he includes some very basic "building block recipes," including big-batch rice, grains, and beans, and "fast and flavorful vegetable stock" to make sticking to this plan easier. He includes a 28-day meal plan for those who want more structure in getting started

The VB6 plan is easier and less strict than the Eat to Live plan. Bittman allows oil even in the vegan part of the day, and you get to eat whatever you want for at least one meal per day, too. But he sides with Fuhrman in encouraging home-cooked rather than processed foods, and lots of fruits and vegetables over meat and dairy products.

Even with this more flexible, relaxed eating plan, Bittman reports losing weight and having better blood tests and overall health. He also reports that his dinnertime cravings began to change after only a few weeks of eating vegan meals for breakfast and lunch -- he needed less food to feel satisfied, was happy with just a few bites of dessert (or none at all), and ate such items as pizza and burgers less frequently. 

Right now, I'm happy following the Eat to Live plan. But I can see how VB6 would be much easier for me to follow while traveling, for example.

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