Saturday, August 1, 2009

I can't help it!

I should be knitting on Wisp. Beautiful yarn. Easy pattern. I started it to have something to knit on my trip to Seattle in April, then put it aside when I got home. Picked it up again for my trip to Roanoke. I was determined to get it done, and I did get a lot of knitting done on it. It's maybe halfway done at this point (I am thinking I am going to make it longer than the pattern directions instruct). But then, that Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn that I bought in Roanoke this week was calling my name, and I found a great pattern for it on Ravelry (the Silk Garden Kerchief pattern, which I am going to knit until I run out of both skeins of yarn, so it'll be bigger than a kerchief). It is the perfect pattern to show off the Noro color changes with two-row striping of two different skeins -- the same seductive lure of the two-row stripe scarves in Noro Silk Garden. Sigh. So I diligently knit on Wisp this morning and cast on the Silk Garden Kerchief this afternoon. Got pretty far on it, too.

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