Monday, April 13, 2009

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Since I work only a block north of the White House, on the other side of Lafayette Park, I went over to the White House at lunch time to see if I could catch a glimpse of the Easter Egg Roll today. It is held on the south lawn, so I thought I could see something from the ellipse. No such luck.

There was a line down 15th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue along the side of the Treasury Building for a whole block. And that turned out to be the VIP line.

The National Park Service had taken over the ellipse for the real line, with snow fencing and rope lines for crowd control. The line of parents and children snaked back and forth, back and forth. But nobody was going in the gates. I figured out it was the 12:15 ticket holders, who still had a half-hour or so to wait before they would enter the White House Grounds.

You could easily identify those who had already been inside -- a child with a design painted on his or her cheek, and an adult holding a white plastic bag with the Easter Egg Roll logo in grass green: a green circle containing the silhouette of a running white bunny rabbit, encircled by the green words "White House Easter Egg Roll 2009."

I hope they had a good time.

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