Monday, January 19, 2009

Knitted FO #1 2009

I knit like crazy on Thursday to start and finish Calorimetry from Knitty Winter 2006 so that I would have it for a weekend trip to Staunton, VA, since it was supposed to be very cold -- and then I never wore it! It turned out not to be bitterly cold after all.

This took me about 6 hours to knit, but I ripped it out and knit it twice, so that was a lot of knitting. It is Colinette One-Zero in the pink tweed colorway and some mother-of-pearl buttons, both from my stash. I knew that stash would be useful someday . . . it was so satisfying to create something completely from my stash.

I love the way it worked up, the colors and the thick-and-thin nature of the wool yarn. The colors are closer in real life to those in the long shot, but I wanted to get a close-up of the buttons. It will come in handy sometime this winter, I am sure.

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